Download the Full Information Sheet Here
Booking Appointments
Consultation is by appointment. At the time of making your appointment, please advise the type of appointment that you require. Patients presenting without an appointment will be fitted in at the earliest available time. Urgent medical matters
will always be dealt with promptly. Please “check-in” with reception on your arrival to avoid unnecessary delay in the waiting room. Every effort is made to keep to appointment times but this is difficult due to emergencies, walk-in patients or unexpected longer consultations. Please tell our receptionists if your consultation is likely to be long (eg: pap smears, excisions, driver’s medical, assessments, or more than one member of your family is to be seen). Please phone the centre before your appointment to check whether your doctor is running on time. For continuity of care it is recommended to see your usual Doctor, however if they are unavailable you are welcome to see one of the other doctors in the practice.
When you arrive, you must check in at reception so the doctor knows you have arrived.
Cancellation fo Appointments: If you need cancel your appointment please call us as soon as possible , to enable us to reschedule the day for other patients.
We have strict hygiene protocols in place to protect you and your family. To help keep our practice safe to attend.
If you are unwell or suffering from Respiratory illness (temperature, sore throat, sniffle, cough or general cold/flu or gastro symptoms etc) you must not enter our practice, even if wearing a mask.
You can book a Telehealth (phone) appointment either online or through reception and your GP will let you know what to do. Criteria is a valid Medicare card AND having had a face to face visit here in the last 12 months. If you are unsure please ring reception to avoid being billed for the call. Not all doctors offer telehealth (phone) appointments, please call reception to confirm before booking.
Face to face appointment can be booked online for simple type appointments. More complex reasons should be booked through reception as some services require specific times, longer appontments or attract a fee. If you are unsure you can call our reception.
If you are coughing and believe it is related to a chronic health condition please call reception from outside to check-in and wait for our nurse to call you. We ask this because other patients won't know you may be safe from an infection.
We also ask you to read our door signs before entering the practice as information changes. Patients need to be mindful upon entering the practice when unwell as this is taken very seriously, as it puts other patients and our staff at risk of infection.
Unwell on Arrival
If you are experiencing chest pain, difficulty breathing, dizziness, excessive bleeding or nausea and /-or vomiting please inform reception. If you start feeling unwell after sitting down please advise reception or our nurse.
Medicare Claims
We offer immediate claiming on the same day as your appointment for valid Medicare card holders. Please make sure your bank details are registered and up to date with Medicare.
Surfers Health Medical centre payment policy is that all accounts need to be paid in full on the day of services.
Billing, Payments and Rebates
Surfers Health Medical Centre is a Private billing clinic.
Practice fees:
Standard Consultation: - $90 - Rebate can be done on the spot (your rebate from medicare $42.85)
Long Consultation: - $130 - Rebate can be done on the spot (your rebate from medicare will be $82.90)
Prolonged Consultation: - $190 - Rebate can be done on the spot (your rebate from medicare will be $122.15)
Initial Consultation for medicinal cannabis is $250 - Rebate can be done on the spot (payable at time of consultation)
All follow up Consultations for medicinal cannabis is $90 (payable at time of consultation)
If you are an Overseas Visitor or you do not hold a current medicare card the Initial Consultation fee is $100 (a receipt will be given for your travel insurance).
After hour fees apply on Sundays and Public Holidays:
Standard Consultation : - $130 - Rebate can be done on the spot (your rebate on the spot (your rebate from medicare $55.80)
Long Consultation: - $195 - Rebate can be done on the spot (your rebate on the spot (your rebate from medicare $95.70)
Extended Consultation: - $230- Rebate can be done on the spot (your rebate on the spot (your rebate from medicare $134.20)
Our Consultations
Consultation is by appointment, however we do our best to accommodate walk-in patients. Urgent medical matters will always be dealt with promptly.
Patient Code of Conduct
Our practice has a code of conduct which outlines the expected standard of behaviour for all patients. By attending our practice your are agreeing to uphold this standard. This information can be viewed in or black Patient Information folder kept at Reception. In summary we cannot condone: swearing or abuse toward staff, questioning or refusal to follow our practice policies (which are in place for patient and practice safety), private patients leaving withourt paying, attending the practice if affected by alcohol or drugs, attending for the purpose of obtaining drugs of addiction, intimidation or bullying behaviour toward doctors or staff. For further information please read the folder kept at Reception.
Hearing and Language Interpreter
To help our GP's ensure they fully inderstand the nature of patient's, and to ensure patients understand the outcome of their consultation, we use an interpreter service when necessary. Further information about the Translating and Interpreter Service (TIS) can be found here: If you are hearing impaired this company can contact us and verbalise what you are typing to them. Pre-booking is preferred for hearing barriers as an interpreter is needed onsite but language barriers can often be helped there and then if the GP rings the TIS service. Some languages may need to be pre-booked. We advise to visit the above website to check prior to your appointment.
We cater for people with special needs and disabilities. Please advise our friendly team who will be very willing to assist with any requirements.
Your Medical Information & Your Privacy
Surfers Health Medical Centre uses computerised Medical Records to record information, order tests, provide prescriptions and file Specialists reports. Your medical record is a confidential document. It is the policy of this practice to maintain security of personal health information at all times and to ensure that this information is only available to authorised members of staff. We follow Australian Federal Privacy Laws and Standards for the private health sector. A single A4 health summary sheet will be available for free. Further information will incur a charge. We have a Privacy Policy brochure and a written Privacy Policy for these.
Transfer of Medical Records
If you transfer your medical records to another Medical Practice, our practice will send a Patient Summary for free, if you require your full medical records a fee of up to $50 is applicable to prepare these records.
Accreditation is the process of measuring and ensuring quality in General Practice. Accreditation is based on standards developed by the Royal Australian Collecge of General Practitioners and Government representatives. Accreditation is a sign of this practices ongoing commitment to Quality Patient Care.
'Close the Gap" Initiative
Our practice is participating in the "Close the Gap" government initiative. Please tell reception, our nurses or doctor if you identify with being of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island origin. We acknowledge the traditional custodians of the Gold Coast and surrounding areas.
Waiting Time
We have several measures to assist in streamlining the waiting room and improving patient flow in our Medical Centre. Please advise the type of appointment eg: vaccination, allergy testing, Pap smear or procedure.
We also have a booklet in our waiting room area that covers a range of information about our Practice.
> Practice Information sheet
> A summary page of things to know - toilets, appointment options, leaving feedback
> Practice privacy and our policy relating to patient information
> Patient code of conduct
> How to get the most out of a doctors visit
> Fees and Services we offer
> Our practice policies
> What it means to be accredited
> My Health Record (shared record) information
Also if the Doctor or Nurse has advised you about getting something done at your next appointment, eg. Spirometry, ECG, excision or procedure. Please remind reception on arrival.
Some services Medicare do not provide rebates for
Insurance/Medical paperwork, Commercial driver medicals (uber, taxi), Procedure gaps, Work Cover, Scripts/Referrals without attending, any visits where the patient is not present, telephone consultations will require payment upfront prior to the appointment time.
Our doctors can perform many minor surgical procedures such as removal of moles or skin lesions, cryotherapy (for warts and cancers), biopsies and excisions, treatment of simple fractures etc. Some more complex procedures carry a gap fee which will be advised to you when the booking is made. Your doctor will ask for a longer appointment where necessary. Please do not book these types of appontment using online booking system.
Fees will be quoted by Reception or the Doctor.
Medical Certificates
Medical certificates are legal documents and are only issued if you present for consultation with one of our doctors. As is the case for referrals we are unable to back date them.
Covid Vaccinations
All respiratory clinics on the Gold Coast have been allocated vaccines and can be contacted for appointments on the following numbers:
Burleigh Cove 0410 831 919
Upper Coomera 07 5529 7125
Hope Island 07 5563 5751
Kalwun Nerang 0455 026 553
Can be made in person, by emailing or contacting the practice manager
Name: Michelle Budwee
Telephone: 07 5592 5999
If you wish to take a complaint further we recognise patients have certain rights and we endeavour to support these rights. If you are unhappy with any aspect of the services or if you feel your rights are not supported, we would appreciate your comments. Patient feedback is very valuable to us as we can either continue great services or make improvements. Forms are available on the reception desk or our website. Should you wish to take any complaints further you can contact: Office of the Health Ombudsman. Ph: 133 646
We welcome all feedback as without it, we do not know if we're doing great or need to make improvements. Some feedback is discussed in staff meetings so everyone can learn from it and where it leads to us making a change we will share this on our website. You can pass on feedback anytime in person through a staff member or if you wish to remain anonymous you can print and complete a feedback form here.
This can be faxed, posted, emailed or placed in the feedback box at reception. Surfers Health Medical Centre > Fax: 07 5538 8537 Phone: 07 5592 5999 Email: Mail: Shop 27/3184 Surfers Paradise Blvd, Surfers Paradise Q 4217
Upon Arrival
Please check in with reception and confirm that your details are still current and accurate. You must also report to reception staff before leaving the practice.
Advise the receptionist if you are having chest pain or difficulty breathing, or if you have a serious injury, and you require urgent attention. Please do the same if you have a child who is very ill and needs to be seen immediately. You will be taken to our nurse straight away and the doctor will be alerted.
Some common changes in details that you should advise us of when checking in:
· Your name (e.g. if you have recently married)
- Your home address, phone number(s), and email address
- Your next of kin and their contact details (this person will be contacted on your behalf if we can’t reach you in the case of an emergency or urgent test results)
- Your Medicare / Healthcare / private health insurance card details If there are any details you didn’t provide while scheduling your appointment, please take the opportunity to do so upon checking in (e.g. advising reception of the reason for your visit, whether a care plan is being requested, or if you are here for a procedure).
After Hours Care
If you require after hours medical attention afterhours please ring National Home Doctors service on 13 74 25. You can book an appointment online using our Health Engine online bookings system if it is suitable to wait until the following day. For emergencies ring 000 or attend the closest hospital to you.
It is surgery policy to cater for people with special needs and disabilities. If you are experiencing difficulties please approach our staff who will be very willing to assist. We are a wheelchair friendly practice.
Patient Rights & Feedback
If you are unhappy with any of our services or feel your rights have not been supported, we would appreciate your feedback. You are welcome to discuss this with your doctor, the practice manager or receptionist.
If you need to cancel your appointment please contact us prior to your appointment.
ONLINE APPOINTMENT Visit our website surfershealthmedicalcentre and book your next appointment online.
- Online bookings – Cancel online if possible, if you are unable to cancel your appointment online, please phone the practice.
- Phone bookings – please phone the practice to advise.
Click here to view our cancellation policy
Continuity of Care and Doctor of Your Choice
We endeavour to help you see the doctor of your choice. All evidence suggests that communication between doctor and patient is improved when a good relationship exists between both parties. We recognise it is not always possible to see the same doctor, so our system of recording notes takes this into account.
Referral To Specialists
To ensure the best management of your care, we like to discuss your condition before referring you to a specialist. You may request a particular specialist of your choice. Please note that we are not permitted by law to back-date specialist referrals, so please ensure you have a current referral before you see the specialist. If circumstances mean you ring and need a referral on the day of your specialist visit, you will likely incur an out of pocket fee as Medicare do not provide a rebate for work done without the patient present.
Our GP’s can perform Electrocardiograms (ECG), Lung Function tests, Hearing test screenings, Blood sugar testing and Pregnancy testing. Blood collection for pathology, X-rays, CT scans, ultrasound, mammograms and endoscopy tests can all be arranged elsewhere if needed.
New Patients
New Patients who hold a current Medicare card will be charged a $80 Initial consultation fee with a Medicare rebate available. Our doctors can bulk bill at their discretion.
Email Communication
Our practice does not encourage emailed requests for information or requests for the doctors to do things for you. Doctors need appointments to have allocated time to perform the work, review and write progress notes and ask any questions they need. Email is not secure and is to be avoided.
Further Info:
Our Vision and Values
Lets Talk About Fees
Patient Privacy Pamphlet
Japanese New Patient Form