The QLD Immunisation Schedule outlines the routine vaccinations recommended and funded for Queensland residents.
Please note not all adult vaccines are funded by QLD Health. Some incur a cost and are only free to particular age groups.
School Immunisation Program – if this is missed during the school program we can administer the necessary vaccination in our clinic.
An updated pneumococcal vaccine is now available to help protect babies and children against serious pneumococcal disease (such as meningitis, septicaemia and pneumonia). Certain diseases such as pneumococcal meningitis can result in long-term disability or death and it is important to protect your children against this. As part of a Government – funded program, a single supplementary dose of the updated vaccine will be provided FREE to most children who are 12-35 months old. To be eligible, your child must not have already received the new vaccine, or an alternative. The vaccine will also be provided free to babies through the National Immunisation Program.
PNEUMOVAX – over 65, Chronic disease patients, Aboriginal or TSI, Moderate to severe asthma patients.
FLUVAX – free for over 65 yrs or at risk, private patients Dr will give a script for vaccine to purchase from a pharmacy.
DTPa (boostrix) – free for new patients or those in direct contact with baby under 6 months. Can have whilst pregnant. Private patients Dr will give a script for vaccine to purchase from a pharmacy.
Yellow Fever Vaccine
Yellow fever is a serious disease caused by a virus spread by infected mosquitos. Persons 9 months of age and older travelling to countries that require proof of yellow fever vaccination.
A highly infectious disease that is usually spread through air-borne droplets of the virus. It can have serious complications. Mumps is an acute viral illness caused by the mumps virus. Rubella also known as German measles is a mild viral illness. It is a different disease to measles.
Chicken pox (varicella)
A highly contagious viral infection causing an itchy, blister-like rash on the skin.
A serious bacterial infection that causes painful muscle spasms and can lead to death
A serious infection of the nose and throat that’s easily preventable by a vaccine
Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
The human papillomavirus (HPV) also known as the cervical cancer vaccine protects against two high-risk types of HPV